Sally is 15. She has no parents. No family to love and raise her. She was told she was a commodity and was sold. Today she is safe. Today she is loved. Today she is a part of the Forever Found family...
WE are committed to STOP
the exploitation of children
Direct Services For Youth
+ S.A.F.E. Visits
S.A.F.E. stands for Standing Against Future Exploitation and is designed to prevent trafficking by providing one-on-one meetings with high-risk youth to discuss safety and assist with identifying potential trafficking victims.
+ REACH 24/7 Crisis Response
Our REACH Team is available 24/7 to respond on site within Ventura County to anyone under the age of eighteen who is in a situation of commercial sexual exploitation. We respond to youth directly when needed or accompany law enforcement and social services, and remain with the youth until he/she is out of immediate crisis and in a safe environment. Trained staff provide social and emotional support as they transition from a situation of exploitation into a safe environment. This team focuses on the immediate needs of exploited youth including: food, clothing, privacy, emotional support, dignity and transportation. The REACH Team does not provide shelter but does provide emergency supplies and a list of referrals for longer-term resources.
+ Case Management
Forever Found staff-based case management services provide trauma-informed care, personalizing a plan with short and long-term goals for youth who have experienced exploitation. The Case Management Program allows for additional in-person, one-on-one, wraparound relational and trauma-informed care.
+ Survivor Mentoring
Our Survivor Mentor Program builds supportive relationships with high-risk youth, current victims, and recovering survivors ages 12-25. It aims to provide support, a mentor team, and an invitation to community to vulnerable youth who have a history of abusive and dysfunctional relationships. Mentors focus on modeling wholesome relationships, encouraging a positive self-identity, teaching life skills, and introducing healthy choices.
+ Holistic Therapies
Forever Found has partnerships to provide equine-assisted learning, mindful movement, faith-discussion groups and art classes. Due to the complexity of the trauma, alternative therapies are a way for trauma survivors to express their numbed and hidden emotions when they are unable to verbalize them.
+ Youth Prevention and Restoration Curriculum
Trained facilitators use strategic discussion, multimedia, and journals to teach youth to recognize the signs of potential exploiters and, equally important, to build a support group of trustworthy adults and peers. We teach the following curriculums:
- "Word on the Street" designed by the Los Angeles County Probation Department in collaboration with child-trafficking survivors. The curriculum educates, equips, and empowers teenage girls who are most at risk for trafficking on the topic of commercial sexual exploitation.
- "Ending the Game" is survivor created and survivor informed for youth that are in “the life” and coming out of sex trafficking. It is a first-of-its-kind “coercion resiliency” curriculum that reduces feelings of attachment to traffickers and/or a lifestyle characterized by commercial sexual exploitation, thereby reducing the rate of recidivism among sex-trafficking survivors.
Community Training & Education
Forever Found offers trainings to the general community as well as to social service providers and educators. We also regularly attend community events to speak about human trafficking. Our shorter trainings focus on identifying trafficking victims, and our longer trainings teach social service providers best practices on working with survivors. Audiences are equipped to understand the problem of human trafficking, identify a potential victim, and respond with informed care to potential victims. We have provided free training and/or consultation to over 7,000 people in community groups and several agencies. We currently provide:
Human Trafficking 101 (1-hour, covering basic awareness)
Harm at Home (1-3 hours, covering commercial sexual exploitation in California)
Survivor Mentor Training (25 hours)
International Housing
Our Forever Found India residential home is located in the state of Andhra Pradesh. We house and care for up to 75 children prevented and rescued from lives of exploitation and slavery. Many of our kids came from being forced to work in granite and rock quarries where they would earn enough money for one meal per day, or in situations of high risk, or being actively trafficked. In addition to the direct services listed above, Forever Found India children receive additional physical support including housing, food, clean water and medical care. The children also receive an education from primary school through college.
Click here, to learn about Forever Found India.

Forever Found rescues and restores
children from slavery by:
supporting the needs of local counties in the rescue process of domestic minor victims, coming alongside survivors and supporting them in their restoration.
focusing on the care of the rescued children living in our Forever Found India home as well as the ongoing rescue of children living in slavery in the surrounding area.
partnering with other rescue homes around the world that strategically rescue children and support their restoration in a safe home.