Get Involved
Give Now
Make a One Time Donation
Your donation will help Forever Found prevent, rescue, and restore victims of child trafficking.
Make a Monthly Donation
By donating monthly you become a Freedom Partner and your donation supports direct services to youth, community training, and education both in India and Ventura County, California.
Current Freedom Partners, click here to increase your monthly donation.
Volunteer With Us
Volunteer Your Time
We are always looking for volunteers to lend their talents. If you are interested in donating your time, contact leah.haynes@foreverfound.org.
Become A Mentor
Applications for survivor mentorship are invite only. If you are interested, please contact leah.haynes@foreverfound.org.
Volunteer At Second Story, our Thrifty Boutique
Become a volunteer at our thrifty boutique in Simi Valley or donate your gently used clothing, shoes, household items and jewelry. If you are interested, email secondstory@foreverfound.org or drop-off donations at 2321 Tapo Street, Suite D, Simi Valley (open Tuesday-Friday 10 am-4 pm, Saturday 10 am- 3 pm).
Partner With Us
Become A Partner Artist
We partner with all types of artists: musicians, writers, painters, photographers, designers, actors, etc. We are always looking for talented and qualified artists with a heart for these children.
Become A Corporate Partner
Put your company behind our mission and fight for our cause to end child trafficking and modern day slavery.
Become A Church Partner
Forever Found is eager to team with churches for the opportunity to do God’s work together and fight against human trafficking.
Host An Event
Create A Fundraiser
The possibilities are endless! Host a get-together in your home, share with your Bible Study or service group, or set-up an information booth at your church, request a speaker for your workplace, stage a paint night, create a fundraiser, and more!
Request A Speaker
Our team of experts are available for speaking opportunities at your next event. Whether you’re hosting an event for Forever Found or in conjunction with another program, we are ready to help serve, educate, and spread awareness for the cause. Click here to fill our speaker request form if interested.
Promote Your Event
We are here to supply you with the materials you need. In efforts to make your event as successful as possible we can help market your event to our audience. This includes posting your small event on social media if you would like to draw a crowd!